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Antibiotic resistance gene transfer during anaerobic digestion with added copper: Important roles of mobile genetic elements 期刊论文
Authors:  Zhang, Ranran;  Gu, Jie;  Wang, Xiaojuan;  Li, Yang
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Bacterial community  Co-occurrence  Copper resistance gene  Mobile genetic element  Network analysis  
Response of antibiotic resistance genes abundance by graphene oxide during the anaerobic digestion of swine manure with copper pollution 期刊论文
SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2019, 卷号: 654, 页码: 292-299
Authors:  Zhang, RR (Zhang, Ranran);  Gu, J (Gu, Jie);  Wang, XJ (Wang, Xiaojuan);  Li, Y (Li, Yang);  Liu, JY (Liu, Jiayao);  Lu, CY (Lu, Chunya);  Qiu, L (Qiu, Ling)
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Anaerobic digestion  Antibiotic resistance gene  Graphene oxide  Metal resistance gene  Mobile genetic element  
Global Survey of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Air 期刊论文
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 卷号: 52, 期号: 19, 页码: 10975-10984
Authors:  Li, J (Li, Jing)[ 1 ];  Cao, JJ (Cao, Junji)[ 2 ];  Zhu, YG (Zhu, Yong-guan)[ 3 ];  Chen, QL (Chen, Qing-lin)[ 3 ];  Shen, FX (Shen, Fangxia)[ 4 ];  Wu, Y (Wu, Yan)[ 5 ];  Xu, SY (Xu, Siyu)[ 6 ];  Fan, H (Fan, Hanging)[ 7 ];  Da, G (Da, Guillaume)[ 8 ];  Huang, RJ (Huang, Ru-jin)[ 2 ];  Wang, J (Wang, Jing)[ 9,10 ];  de Jesus, AL (de Jesus, Alma Lorelei)[ 11 ];  Morawska, L (Morawska, Lidia)[ 11 ];  Chan, CK (Chan, Chak K.)[ 12 ];  Peccia, J (Peccia, Jordan)[ 13 ];  Yao, MS (Yao, Maosheng)[ 1 ]
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Coarse particle (PM10-2.5) source profiles for emissions from domestic cooking and industrial process in Central India 期刊论文
SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2018, 卷号: 627, 期号: 2, 页码: 1137-1145
Authors:  Bano, Shahina;  Pervez, Shamsh;  Chow, Judith C.;  Matawle, Jeevan Lal;  Watson, John G.;  Sahu, Rakesh Kumar;  Srivastava, Anjali;  Tiwari, Suresh;  Pervez, Yasmeen Fatima;  Deb, Manas Kanti
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Coarse Particle (Pm10-2.5)  Source Profiles  Enrichment Factor  India  
Developmental selenium exposure and health risk in daily foodstuffs: A systematic review and meta-analysis 期刊论文
ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, 2018, 卷号: 149, 期号: 2018, 页码: 291-306
Authors:  Ullah, Habib;  Liu, Guijian;  Yousaf, Balal;  Ali, Muhammad Ubaid;  Abbas, Qumber;  Munir, Mehr Ahmed Mujtaba;  Mian, Md Manik
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Selenium  Dietary Intake  Selenoprotein  Bioavailability  Antioxidant  
Tracking historical mobility behavior and sources of lead in the 59-year sediment core from the Huaihe River using lead isotopic compositions 期刊论文
CHEMOSPHERE, 2017, 卷号: 184, 期号: 2017, 页码: 584-593
Authors:  Wang, Jie;  Liu, Guijian;  Liu, Houqi;  Lam, Paul K. S.
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Geochemical Fraction  Stable Pb Isotopes  Anthropogenic Pb Contribution  
Tracking historical mobility behavior and sources of lead in the 59-year sediment core from the Huaihe River using lead isotopiccompositions 期刊论文
Chemosphere, 2017, 卷号: 184, 期号: 2017, 页码: 584-593
Authors:  Wang,J(Wang,Jie);  Liu,GJ(Liu,Guijian);  Hou,QL(Hou,Qiliu);  Lam.P K.S(Lam, Paul K.S);  Liu,Guijian
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Geochemical Fraction  Stable Pb Isotopes  Anthropogenic Pb Contribution  
Spatio-temporal variability and fractionation of vanadium (V) in sediments from coal concentrated area of Huai River Basin, China 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION, 2017, 卷号: 172, 期号: 2017, 页码: 203-210
Authors:  Liu, Yuan;  Liu, Guijian;  Wang, Jie;  Wua, Lei
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Distribution  Vanadium  Sediment  Huai River  Coal Gangue  Coal-fired Power Plant  
What do we know about domestication in eastern Asia? 期刊论文
Quaternary International, 2016, 卷号: 426, 期号: 2016, 页码: 2-9
Authors:  Dodson,J(Dodson,John)[1];  Dong,GH(Dong,Guanghui)[2]
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Comparative study on geochemical characterization of the Carboniferous aluminous argillites from the Huainan Coal Basin, China 期刊论文
TURKISH JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, 2016, 卷号: 25, 期号: 3, 页码: 274-287
Authors:  Chen, Bingyu;  Liu, Guijian;  Wu, Dun;  Sun, Ruoyu
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Aluminous Argillite  Chemical Weathering  Sedimentary Environment  Taiyuan Formation  Huainan