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The effects of mid-Holocene fluvio-eolian interplay and coastal dynamics on the formation of dune-dammed lakes in NE Brazil 期刊论文
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2018, 卷号: 196, 页码: 137-153
Authors:  Zular, A (Zular, Andre)[ 1 ];  Utida, G (Utida, Giselle)[ 1 ];  Cruz, FW (Cruz, Francisco W.)[ 1 ];  Sawakuchi, AO (Sawakuchi, Andre O.)[ 1 ];  Wang, H (Wang, Hong)[ 2,3,4 ];  Bicego, M (Bicego, Marcia)[ 5 ];  Giannini, PCF (Giannini, Paulo C. F.)[ 1 ];  Rodrigues, SI (Rodrigues, Selma, I)[ 6 ];  Garcia, GPB (Garcia, Guilherme P. B.)[ 1 ];  Vuille, M (Vuille, Mathias)[ 7 ];  Sifeddine, A (Sifeddine, Abdel)[ 8,9 ];  Zocatelli, R (Zocatelli, Renata)[ 10 ];  Turcq, B (Turcq, Bruno)[ 9 ];  Mendes, VR (Mendes, Vinicius R.)[ 1 ]
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Dune-dammed Lakes  Paleoclimate  Coastal Eolian Deposits  Fluvio-eolian Interplay  Boqueir~ Ao Lake